The Lie of Perfection

For so many years of my life, I always took the path of least resistance. I was so afraid of making a mistake that I just didn’t do much of anything. I stayed where I was, doing what I was doing, with the people I was doing it with. I don’t know why I was so afraid of other people’s judgement, but there was a time when it was my greatest fear. I lived for so long in that place, worrying about what other people would say about the choice l made, that I just didn’t make any at all. But I now know that indecision, is a decision, and truly a sad one.

Sweet, beautiful, precious friends…hear me. No one, should care more about your own life than you do. You should be so deeply in love with your life, your choices, your path, and your humans that no ones criticism can touch you. When you make bold choices, based on your own heart, other people’s opinions don’t matter. We are only effected by the opinions of people when we are not convicted by our own choices. When we are living someone else’s life, we are on shaky ground. Every word spoken to us throws us off our center, we become defensive. Friends, I can tell you from experience, when you are sure about your choices there is peace, you will not feel the need to defend them, because you simply know.

Perfection is a myth. If you feel driven by perfection, I feel you, I was there at a time too. I was so disengaged in my own life because it was easier to stay safe than to make a misstep. Friends, failure and mistakes are a part of life. They make us better people, they teach us, they grow us, they guide us and direct us. They are nothing to be ashamed of. People change, paths change, and lives change. It’s all okay.

Please, do not hang your head in shame when you make a mistake. Be proud that you attempted something enough to make a mistake, that means you are engaged in life and trying. Learn from the mistake, lift your head high and move on. The people who truly love you, will always love you, no matter what choices you make. You don’t owe anyone an explanation. If they don’t understand your choices, let them ponder them alone. Make your choices with conviction and stick with them with the confidence of a 2 year old picking out their clothes. Wear them with pride, no matter where they lead you. This life is yours beautiful friends, live it your way. Much love and free choice sweet friends.