The Limit of Human

I’m always more than a little concerned when people can’t seem to leave the office. I often wonder what they are trying to avoid. I used to think that to be a good employee I had to work all the time. I’ve since learned, that to be a good employee, I need to be a good human. And part of being a good human is recognizing that I have limits. Working myself into the ground isn’t good for me or my people.

I am a bit of a different breed in that I believe people should take lunch breaks and coffee breaks throughout the day. Grinding your way through the day doesn’t serve you or your organization well. We are our most thoughtful, creative, and productive when we are plugged in, and as humans, we have limits to how long we can stay plugged in at once. Taking a 10 minute walk and coming back to your desk will clear your mind and allow you to be more productive.

I can do more with less time because I’ve learned to use time in my favor. I’ve learned to acknowledge my humanness and use it to my advantage. I think we have a tendency to be too concerned about appearances and “appearing busy” than we are about actually being productive. I’ll take productive over busy every day of the week.

Acknowledge and honor your humanness sweet friends. Grinding and working yourself into the ground isn’t useful. Rest. Walk. Eat. Take breaks. They only make you better. Life is a beautiful balance, find yours.