The Little Things

What if the little things, were actually the big things? What if the everyday moments were the ones that really matter? What if we focused on the small moments? What if we planned to love our people well, just for today? What if the little things were actually the big things? Friends, they are.

The little things are what we remember. The daily interactions with others matter so much more than the big moments. No amount of extravagance can cover bad behavior. At the end of the day, doing the little things well is what’s going to make a difference.

Bringing someone a cup of coffee in the morning. Telling someone they look nice. Acknowledging the person everyone else ignores. Reaching out to hold your partners hand. Catching their eye across the room. Saying I love you first.

You know what I remember about the people I’ve lost? I remember sitting at the breakfast bar with my grandparents drinking coffee. I remember my Granny having 10 different kinds of cereal and the fact that I could have as much as I wanted. I remember my Aunt Donna always cooking me my favorite meal when I would visit. These are the things that I remember. I remember the way they loved me daily. I don’t remember the gifts, or the trips nearly as readily as I remember the small moments. Cherish these small moments friends.

I want to be remembered mostly for my kindness. I want to be remembered for loving people well. I want to be successful and accomplished, but more than that, I want to be kind.

These little moments are the things I remember most. We never forget the way someone makes us feel. I remember the kindness of strangers. I also remember the harsh words spoken by people close to me. Be mindful of the little things today.