The Next Thing

“I hope that whatever you do next is born from you and not imposed on you. I hope the rest of your life is your idea. I hope you trust yourself. You know what you know.” – Untamed by Glennon Doyle

How much of the life you current live was your own idea? Do you wake up each day, a slave to other people’s idea of who you should be? Are you studying something you don’t care about because someone in your family did? Are you working in a job you hate because the money is good and someone advised you to go that direction? Are you in a loveless relationship because your friends pushed you towards this person?

I think, more often than we realize, we are being influenced by external forces. We feel internal demands to appear a certain way and so we push ourselves into molds we don’t fit in. We hate to feel other. Outside. Abnormal. Late. We want to feel as though we fit. But what are we trying to fit into? And what is the price we must pay to fit?

Friends, I hope you live a life that’s full, and free, and overflowing with love. I hope you pursue your dreams like your life is on fire. I hope you love your people with everything you have. I hope you learn to live a life that was your idea. That passion that drives you towards something will absolutely change your life. Follow your heart.

I believe the other thing that often holds us back is a lack of trust in ourselves. We give other people so much power to think for us. We believe they know best. Friends, no one knows you better than you know you. And if they do, you need to step your game up and get to know yourself. Nothing will change your life more than knowing, understanding and loving who you are. You are a beautiful, capable, knowledgeable being. You know what to do.

May your next thing, be your very best thing. And I hope it leads you home.