The Places We Don’t Want to Go

Life leads us down a lot of roads. Some of them are bright, well light, beautifully tree lined roads. Taking these roads is like taking a drive on a Sunday afternoon. Pleasant, peaceful, intentional. Other roads are full of pot holes, darkness, twists and turns. They are long journeys away from where we think we want to be. They are full of uncertainty and often times, fear.

Our life requires that we travel both kinds of roads. Sometimes we have to leave the sunny roads. When we feel called to do this, we will be met with resistance. Often, a lot of it. Sometimes life presents us with an opportunity that takes us farther from our families, sometimes our life presents us with a disease whose treatment is hard to handle, sometimes life has us suffer great loss that we do not think we can walk through. These times, are incredibly hard. But they are so valuable to our overall stories. We need these hard roads to appreciate the good ones.

Sweet friends, life is beautiful. And not just when it’s easy. There is so much beauty in the hard places, the dark places and the potholed roads. Our life is a collection of stories, pieced together through time. Every piece of our story belongs. It was paved with intention. Mistakes are part of the journey, embrace them and please don’t allow them to become deep seeded regrets. Learn from them, appreciate the lesson, grow from them and move on.

If you find yourself in a hard place right now, please keep journeying forward. This place is going to lead you to the greatest growth of your life. Whatever is coming next for you, requires the growth you are getting in this place. The journey of life is long, if we are lucky. Learn to honor it, potholes and all. Much love and grit for the tough places sweet friends.