The Pursuit of Happiness

So many of us think, “I’ll be happy when____________.” We insert whatever we believe will bring our happiness to fruition. For some it’s a job, for some its a number on the scale, for some it’s another human, a child, a spouse, a partner. It could be any number of things. The sad thing is, we tend to put our lives on hold while we wait for this imaginary thing to arrive.

Can I share something with you? I believe with all of my heart that you will never find happiness. Happiness is not some magic point that we arrive at once the pieces of our lives fall into place. There is reason to be happy right now, exactly where you are. I also believe that we can never fully experience happiness from something, if we don’t first experience happiness within ourselves.

Have you ever been strolling through your day and realize that you have a big smile on your face? If you have never caught yourself smiling its a wonderful feeling, and I believe one of the best indicators of our state of internal happiness. I am not talking about smiling in response to external stimuli, I mean smiling because you feel good within yourself.

Friends, if you are waiting to arrive at your happy place, you will spend years of your life disappointed. Happiness does not come through attainment. If you weren’t happy without it, you won’t be happier with it. Meeting your significant other will not bring you happiness. It will increase the level of happiness you already have, but it will not bring you happiness in and of itself. It is not another humans job to make you happy, that is 100% your own responsibility. Own your own happy. I believe we need to stop pursuing happiness, it is within us. It is internal, not external. The pursuit of happiness is fruitless and leaves many of us disappointed.

Happiness comes from loving what is within and around you. Being thankful for where your life is in this moment. Loving and caring for the house you live in, the size of your pants, the people around you. Loving and acknowledging the strength and growth in yourself and others instead of focusing on short comings. Being truly humbled by the goodness in your life will bring more goodness into your life. Love where you are and you will be completely blown away by what is to come. Much love and overwhelming happiness my friends.