The Pursuit of Peace

Peace. We all want it, but few of us truly experience it. So many of us live in a constant state of anxiety. We are all so overstimulated that it makes us uncomfortable to sit and be still. Quiet, unnerves a lot of people. We are in such a hurry to go from one thing to the next that we do not allow for smooth transitions.

Friends, we are all human beings. I think we forget that sometime. The pace of our lives require a super humanness that is so hard for our souls. So much of the stimulation we experience is not meant for us. We were made for rest and reflection, but we rarely take advantage of it.

I believe that a lot of us live at this pace as a trauma response in a way. We are afraid of what we would have to face if we stopped long enough to hear our own souls. What is waiting for us behind the facade of busy? I can’t remember the last time I asked someone how they were doing and their immediate response wasn’t busy.

Take time today to slow your pace. Look for areas of rest throughout your day. Care for the human that you are. We need to honor our humanness and not reject it. Feel whatever it is you need to feel. Cry if you need to, this is not weak, its human. Rest and reflect sweet friends, it will change your life. Much love sweet friends.