The Setup

We have all experienced pain in our lives. I wish this weren’t true, but it simply is. Pain is an inevitable part of life. Spend any amount of time around any human being and you will experience hurt. Some of us have experienced life altering pain. The kind that everything else after that in your life is, “that was before so and so died, or so and so left, etc.” It becomes a defining time in our lives. Others, have experienced heartbreak, loss, defeat, or disappointment.

We want understanding, but we are breaking our own hearts seeking understanding in a situation that will never be understood. We cannot make sense of other people’s choices, and frankly, its not our place to. Knowing doesn’t bring healing, we think it will, but it rarely does. Pain is inevitable, but our response to pain can set us up for greatness down the road.

I believe our response to pain is much more important that the source of our pain. In our pain, lies the keys to our next advancement. Friends, if you were ready for it, you would have it. Pain is preparation for what is coming. This hard place is where growth happens, change occurs, character forms and we become the person the next level of our lives require.

Know that this thing is a set up. Treat it as such. Look around you for the opportunity that lies within this. You will not experience pain without something better coming from it. Lean into the lesson. I cannot promise you days without pain, but I can promise you that the pain can bring you to a better place if you will allow it to do so. Much love friends.