The Shaking

I was talking to my sweet Mama this morning and she and I both were just talking about how unstable everything feels. And if we are honest, has felt, for the last 11 months. The world is shaky, the economy is shaky, our health is shaky, all of it is shaking. It’s uncomfortable.

As she and I were talking the words, “we are not called to be comfortable” came to mind. Friends, we are not called to comfort, in fact, we are called to the opposite of comfort. We all want easy, stable, unshaken lives. But truly, that is not why we are here. We are not here to be comfortable. We are here to love people and to have an impact. And loving people is not comfortable.

I believe, we experience times of shaking, so that some of our old thoughts, patterns and behaviors can be removed. When we are unsteady, we change our ways. When something happens that makes us reevaluate the way we live our lives, we begin to make changes. This time is here, not to punish you, but to grow you. There are things in your life right now that are hindering your progress.

Friends, I believe there are great things ahead for all of us. But I do not believe our shaking is over. We will be tested at every turn. You can blame 2020 or 2021 all you want to, but honestly, this is life. We are not normally tested as a group, rather, we experience individual shaking but we shake none the less. We are all here, in this time, for a reason. We have a purpose in this season. Let’s lean into the discomfort and allow this time to grow us into what the next phase of our lives will require. Much love and growth sweet friends.