The Year That Broke Our Hearts

Ah 2020…can anyone hear that without a big sigh or a big eye roll? I sure can’t. This year has brought so much pain, loss and grief. Some have grieved the loss of loved ones, the loss of jobs, the loss of freedoms, the loss of privilege, the loss of a way of life…I could go on and on. What we have all lost is our normal.

Sweet friends, the world is grieving, collectively. We are walking around as wounded, hurt, confused humans. We have lost our ability to share compassion because we are overwhelmed with the loss. Every time I get on social media I see another tragedy. I see another person I love that has lost their job. I see exhausted healthcare workers, families with sick loved ones, friends losing jobs. So much pain.

Pain breeds hurt and anger. We need to recognize that we are all grieving in some way. Extend some compassion for yourself first and then the people around you. It’s okay to be upset, its okay to be disappointed. I am grieving the loss of a full football stadium and I feel so selfish for feeling that way, but its just where I am. Be honest with yourself and allow yourself to grieve whatever loss you have experienced this year.

And then can I encourage you to turn the page? Hating 2020, COVID, or anything else doesn’t allow much room for growth. Do I hate this year, absolutely? But I also understand that all of this has happened for a reason. We are being moved to greater places, experiences, relationships and opportunities. Pain doesn’t happen for no reason. The other side of pain is always the biggest win of our lives. Let’s end this year well. Mourn whatever loss you need to, then shift your focus to what is ahead. I promise it will be good. It may not be good tomorrow, or in the time you want it to. But it will get better. Much love sweet friends.