There is No Roadmap

Life is a serious of detours. Just when we think we are headed down the right path, we have a blowout. Someone we had in the car gets out, we have a breakdown, the destination is a lot colder than we expected. Whatever surprising situation we find ourselves in, often our level of happiness depends upon our ability to pivot.

Friends, we have to learn to ride the waves. We don’t have to let them take us under. It’s okay to be mad. It’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to be a lot of things, just don’t stay in that place for too long. There are so many bigger, more beautiful things to experience in life. Don’t let the disappointments be where you set up camp.

Next time something unexpected happens to you, pick your head up and look around for the opportunities that lie within it. Often, what we think are our greatest setbacks are actually our greatest setups. That person you thought you couldn’t live without? Look at you, living and stuff! That job you thought was the best thing ever? The one you have now is even better. Often, if we will bother to see the opportunity in the disappointments in our lives, we will find that they are so much better than what we had our sites on to begin with.

Sometimes, that job was eating you alive and you didn’t even realize it. Sometimes that friendship that ended was toxic and a few months from now you will find a better friend. One who will build you up, love you and support you. That house sale that didn’t go through will often lead to an even better one down the road.

Learn to appreciate the curve balls. Heck, learn to celebrate them. The unexpected moments in our lives often lead us to the greatest things we could ever imagine. Chin up friends, there are far better things ahead than any we leave behind.