Three Weeks In

This morning marks the start of my 4th week on the job. To be honest, I feel as though I have been here so much longer than that. Athletics moves very quickly and time just doesn’t have the same feel to it. It’s hard to keep up at times, it’s even harder to fight the tunnel vision that comes from balancing so many different games and sports at once.

I am settling in and finding my rhythm. I fought hard, this last week, to reestablish my routine so that I would start to feel normal here. I am meeting people, learning the job, learning the town and unpacking boxes. So. Many. Boxes. I got to do the coin toss at Saturday’s football game, I have always wanted to do that and was so excited to be asked. For those wondering, I nailed it, and we won the toss! It was a fun moment.

This coming Saturday, my staff will face the biggest test we’ve faced all spring. We will play two soccer games, a softball game, a football game and two volleyball games all on the same day, with three events starting at the same time. We have talked the scenario to death, strategized and put all the pieces into place. We are excited to pull this one off. It’s kind of the grand finale of a crazy spring. Several regular seasons will end for sports on that particular day. Then, we will celebrate making it through the lions share of the craziest, most jam packed athletic season on record.

I am continually impressed by the attitude of those around me. Guys, this season has been so incredibly hard on such a small staff. Not only are they doing it, but they are doing it with grace and a good attitude. It’s refreshing to see such teamwork and cooperation. I love people who are hungry for opportunity and honor it when it comes, whatever package it arrives in. These precious people want to do well and they recognize a good opportunity when they see one. Much love and a few extra prayers for my people this week.