Through the Storm

I am coming out of one of the hardest years of my life, both personally and professionally. If you would have asked me a year ago, where I would be today, I never would’ve stated here. That I am sure of. I just came out of the darkest year of my life, both personally and professionally. Pandemic aside, it was rough.

I tell you this, not for sympathy, but to encourage you. Many of you were unaware of my storm, because I have such a tendency to shelter people from my pain. I like to hide, tuck it away, not let it show. Friends, we need each other when we are in the midst of a storm. If you are like me, may I encourage you to reach out to someone that you love and trust. Let them in.

Almost a year ago, to the day, a relationship that I was very happy in, ended. Out of the blue. Came to a screeching halt. About 5 days later, my university closed it’s doors for a period of time. I went from a full, social life that was bursting at the seams, to being home alone all the time. I went from watching two college basketball programs advance to regionals, to seeing their championships canceled. It was a lot to handle in such a short period of time. Little did I know it was preparing me.

Five months after the split, the love of my life reappeared in my life out of nowhere. I lost track of him for almost 20 years and then, boom, out of nowhere there he stood. Ready and waiting for me. We are getting married in 4 months and I have never been so happy in my life. The job that I spent the entire spring, summer and fall worrying would end, changed. It didn’t change because athletics were cut, it changed because I got a new opportunity.

Friends, this darkness, and heaviness that we are all feeling right now will end. I promise there will be better days. There will be days when we are free to hug everyone again, free to go out in public without masks, free to open arenas and stadiums to capacity, free to eat next to other people, free to live our lives as we want to. Stay the course friends, we are coming through the storm, and what’s on the other side is far better than what we could even imagine. Much love and good umbrellas sweet friends.