
Time. It’s such a magical, brutal, elusive gift. At times, we can’t get enough of it, it passes far too quickly. Moments we want to freeze and savor forever. At other times, we need it to pass as quickly as possible, in hopes that the pain will be alleviated by its passage. “Give it time” is one of my most hated phrases, I don’t want to give it time, I want it to be okay now. Love it or hate it, time is something most of us take for granted.

So often, when we are in one moment, we wish we were in another. We get to a stage of life we have only dreamed of getting to and wish it away for the next one. We have such a hard time staying in, and savoring the moment. We are on to the next before the present moment has even fully developed. We are tired, disengaged and frazzled.

Time is a beautiful gift. It ticks away both slowly and at lightning speed simultaneously. The days pass slow, but the years pass quickly. When I look back on my life, I realize how quickly it has all unfolded, right before my eyes, often without my notice. Nothing makes me more aware of time, than other people’s children. They remind us that it all happens so fast.

Friends, can I encourage you to honor time. To allow it to unfold. To savor it. To appreciate it. To cherish it. This present moment is a gift, whether it feels like one or not. None of us are promised tomorrow, all we have is right now. Honor time, for the precious gift that it is and suddenly you will feel like you have more of it. Take advantage of the days where you can slow time down a little. Much love and slow Sundays sweet friends.