To My People

Well, I guess the cat is out of the bag now. My life is about to change dramatically. My little happy, comfortable, change-resistant heart has been in conflict for the past few weeks. I know that leaving the place I am in will be painful for so many reasons; I am leaving people I love, a job I love, my first home that I fixed up, and moving farther away from my family. But I am also pursuing a dream, and that usually requires a little heartbreak along the way.

To the people who love me, thank you. Thank you for encouraging me, seeing things in me I didn’t see in myself, and for pushing me to pursue something I thought I would never have. I truly never imagined that this opportunity would present itself, but it has, and it’s a door that I must walk through. Thank you for giving me the love and encouragement I need to make this change.

To the people who educated me and gave me jobs, thank you. Thank you for fostering growth in me, for teaching me things I didn’t know, and for believing in my potential. For those who have employed me, thank you. Thank you for allowing an inexperienced female to have a seat at the table. Thank you for teaching me what I needed to know to prepare for this change.

To the difficult people, who have made things hard for me, thank you too. You have prepared me for what is ahead of me and for that I thank you and wish you well. Thank you for the life lessons and character building interactions.

Sweet friends, life brings us opportunities at inconvenient times. The time is never right for an easy transition, because transitions are never easy. It is hard to leave places and people we love, but know that the good ones stick with you no matter how far away you get. Canyon, West Texas A&M University and Post, Texas…thank you for making places hard to leave by filling them with amazing people. Much love and grace in transition sweet friends.