To My Precious Wine Time Friends

Life is funny, to be sure. As I recently shared, it’s been a hard year for me. But it’s also been a wonderful year for me. Last year, as we entered into spring break, things got kind of flipped upside down for me. I can tell you, without question, that I have never felt so much loneliness in my entire life. Being locked up in my house, completely alone, was not an easy thing for me. And I am an introvert, my sweet extroverted friends, I don’t know how you survived.

I have never been so fearful for my job as I was last March. When the university extended spring break and we didn’t go back to work for awhile I began to realize that my life could look very different soon. As someone who fears changes and values stability, this was incredibly tough. I began to think of what else I might want to do with my life and what I would need to do to make a change. For awhile, all I could see was darkness. Then came Fay and Nancy.

My neighbors in Canyon, are some of the most precious people you will ever meet. One day, I got home from work and noticed they were sitting on Nancy’s front porch. I didn’t know them well, but walked around my car and said hello. They offered me a glass of wine, and the rest is history. Those two have become some of my most treasured friends. As I pack up my home in Canyon and prepare to sell it, my heart is broken over not seeing these precious ladies as often. They have encouraged me, celebrated me, and loved on me. They have fed me, offered me countless advice and bought me precious, thoughtful gifts. They’ve built me things, made me things and loved on me and Samson so well. They are forever friends.

Friends, love and friendship are all around you. The more you open your life to people, the more full your life will become. My neighbors have become like family to me, and it started with a simple hello. They are two of the hardest ones I leave behind in Canyon. Fay and Nancy, thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for making Canyon so hard to leave. Thank you for loving me like family and making Conner Dr feel like the best place on earth. Much love and precious friendships sweet friends.