To the Coaches & Their Families

I need all of you to know I see you. Truly. I see the hours you put in while everyone else is sleeping. I see the salary gap when you equate hours spent working compared to amount of pay. I see the burden of criticism you carry and the decisions you are so quickly and unapologetically judged for. I know there’s so much more to the decision than anyone else knows – I know you didn’t sleep for days while processing the options. I even know that sometimes the choice was out of your hands but your name is the one that carries the consequence.

I know how much the losses hurt. How much time, energy and effort went into the preparation. I know you’re working so hard to improve programs with limited resources. I know you haven’t eaten a decent meal in days, have slept way less than you need to and the only exercise you’ve gotten came from pacing the sidelines. I know your nerves are shot and your energy stores are depleted. I see you.

I also know you love your players. I know you love developing them, watching them grow, coaching them through life more than games and seeing them become the individuals you knew they were capable of becoming. I know you are for them, even when they let you down. I know you carry them in your hearts for the rest of your days. I know you love them or you wouldn’t do this. You wouldn’t sacrifice yourself over and over unless you loved them.

Thank you. Thank you for being the ones in the arena. The ones taking it on the chin. Thank you for loving other people’s children and coaching them through life. You are also the reason I chose this crazy life. The amount of respect I have for your sacrifice cannot be overstated. On the hard days, remember why you started, remember the times the mediocre athlete excelled, but even more important – remember the one who graduated that wouldn’t have made it there without you. Thank you for giving us something to root for. Much love and little victories sweet friends.