To the Mamas

As far as I am concerned, everyday is Mother’s Day because you amazing women keep the world going round. You are super human, truly. The amount of things that this role requires of you astonishes me and yet many of you do it with a grace and effortlessness that leaves me in awe. Know that I see you. I see you patiently responding to a needy toddler. I see you sacrificing your food because your child decided that your choice looks better than theirs. I see you throwing on a tshirt because your little one wanted to be creative with their outfit and “do it themselves” which we all know slows down the getting dressed process significantly. I see you teaching them to be well mannered tiny humans. I see you staying home when you would like some time with friends because your littles need their mama. I see your patience and your sacrifice.

To all my friends and family who are mama’s, you are amazing. It has given me great joy to see each of you grow into the role of mother. Whether it felt as natural as taking a breath or started off a little rocky. You are doing the damn thing. You are showing up everyday and giving those little ones the things they need. You do not have to craft perfectly well balanced meals, have a spotless house, and perfectly behaved children to be a good mother. You are loving them with all you have and it shows.

Thank you for sharing your greatest gifts with me. I love your tiny humans. Whether I get to see them regularly or have only met them through social media, know that I love seeing them grow with you. Keep sharing my friends, I see you.

I spent a beautiful day with my precious Mama yesterday. I am one blessed lady to have the mother that I do, she is truly a gift. My sweet sister in laws have given me my greatest gifts, in my niece and nephews. Thank you to all three of you lovely ladies for the blessings you share with me.

To all the mothers in the world, you are the real MVPs. Thank you for your patience in not killing us all :). Your love and sacrifice do not go unnoticed.