
I like uncertainty about as much as I like a root canal. Which is to say…not very much. Truth be told, I am a planner and I like to have everything in order. I am a future oriented thinker that has to be reminded to live in the moment. Goals and achieving said goals are my jam.

However, this, and other phases of my life have allowed me to appreciate uncertainty. To recognize and respect the fact that it has a place and it serves a purpose. Uncertainty allows us to grow, to strengthen our faith and to learn to lean on what we have. When our eye is constantly on what is next, we cannot fully appreciate what is in front of us. Uncertainty teaches us to be present and allows for a greater appreciation for what is. There is an air of adventure in uncertainty if we choose to see it.

I am learning that I do not have to know where this path leads in order to follow it. We don’t always get to have a map, sometimes we have to work off of a general guideline and not rely on turn by turn guidance. One of my principles at work is “win the day.” I believe big wins come from small, daily victories.

Sweet friends, line your path with daily wins. Take each day one step at a time. Put one foot in front of the other and win today. The path you are on is leading you somewhere, just because you don’t know the destination doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate the journey. Try to find the adventure in not knowing, be open minded for what’s ahead. This crazy life we are living is the only one we get, appreciate the gift in each stage. Much love and sunny uncertainty sweet friends.