Until You Can’t

One of the songs I can’t get off of my mind lately is the song ‘Till You Can’t by Cody Johnson. I’ve been thinking a lot about time and how quickly it passes and how things can change in an instant. I think about precious moments I can’t get back and future moments I can’t wait to experience. When truly, all I have is right now. Tomorrow may not show.

I feel, we have such a tendency to wish, work and hope for tomorrow. To build a life that satisfies our future needs. What if we all start living more for today instead of tomorrow? I can remember, when I was single, wanting so badly to be married. I waited much longer than most for my person to come along, but now I know there was a purpose in that season. My single season was a wonderful time of growth in my life and I rushed through it. When I was in college, I wanted to be out in the work force, when I was new to my career, I wanted a promotion, when I was single, I wanted to be married.

Friends, we have to stop the cycle of next and new. We are living right now. Be where your feet are. Even if you don’t like where your feet are. This day…this is your life. Not tomorrow, or the next day, but today. I promise, there is something you will miss about this particular season when it passes. You will look back and realize there was good in all of it. Every stage brings it’s own blessing.

Today, take advantage of the time you have. Call your mama, go see your friends, love on your kids, do something you’ve been waiting to do. Stop saying you’ll be happy when…. Be happy now. Live your life now. Love your people now. Sweet friends, one day you will want to call your Mama and can’t. One day you will want to watch your kids play ball again and they will be grown and not playing anymore. Stop treating life, and people, like a big inconvenience. Make the effort. It’s always worth it. Much love and carpe diem sweet friends.