Us Against the World, Not Us Against Each Other

“The love was real. Bloody sometimes, but never in question.” Matthew McConaughey – Greenlights

Love is a battle to be sure. No doubt bloody at times. I think sometimes we have a tendency to misconstrue our reality of love. Love is hard. It is not always easy and beautiful and overflowing. Sometimes its painful and confusing and starved. Sweet friends, may I encourage you to adjust your expectations of love? It is worth the bloody battle, but we have to be ready for war sometimes.

We have to learn to fight for, and not against love. We have to fight for, and not against, our people. It’s us against the world, not us against each other. The reason love is hard sometimes is because it is the most real, pure and honest thing on the planet. But you are taking two imperfect people and throwing them together and asking them to do life. That’s not easy friends. We all have our own opinions about what we should eat, how we should spend our money and our free time and how many battles have been fought over how to load the dishwasher?

Loving people is more about acceptance than anything else in my opinion. Learn to love and accept yourself and the people who mean the most to you. Prioritize what truly matters. Go to battle against anything that threatens the love in your home. Set boundaries with your time and energy and reserve the best of you for the people closest to you. Go to battle for, and not against. Present a united front. I believe, with all of my heart, that love can survive any battle if you choose to fight together.