I have to admit that I’ve been more of a taker lately, entering situations with the mindset of what can I get out of this. Not just certain situations, but all of them. I’ve asked many selfish questions lately regrading those around me. Why don’t they ever appreciate anything? Why does everyone want more and more all the time? Why am I going through this particular difficulty? It’s exhausting.
This morning, as I sit on our deck enjoying the beautiful morning weather, I realize that I need to look to contribute, rather than be contributed to. This is a season where I need to give, rather than take. I need to walk into every situation with the attitude of where can I add value here? We have become a culture of takers. Self serving in every sense of the word, to the point where we feel sorry for ourselves because our efforts aren’t always matched.
Sweet friends, it isn’t about you. It isn’t about your life becoming easier. Your legacy will be based on the impact you have on those around you. When you are consumed by thoughts of others not being fair to you rather than you not adding value – you aren’t in a posture to give. I want my mindset to be of addition, not subtraction. I want to be a generous and good hearted giver.
I’m challenging myself to lean into the pressure of this season. I’m challenging myself to allow this time to grow me, not crush me. I’m challenging myself to add as much value as I can, rather than seeking to gain. I cannot tell you the weight that has been lifted off me with this perspective shift. Carrying expectations of others is heavy stuff friend, cast aside the burden. Seek to add value. Much love and sweet, reflective Saturdays sweet friends.