Value the Process

Action. We take action everyday. We are always doing something, but few of us enjoy the actions we take. Mostly, we take action for the outcome. We drive because we want the destination. We work because we want the paycheck. We clean because we want things tidy. We cook because we want to eat. We workout because we want our bodies to look a certain way. But we don’t enjoy the process.

Consider how different your life would be if you enjoyed the actions associated with an outcome. What if you engaged yourself in a way that made every action you took enjoyable? Be not so married to the outcome, but engaged in the action.

I don’t particularly like driving. I live in close proximity to my office because I do not enjoy being in the car. I drive very little throughout the week, and I like it that way. A few years ago, I started using driving time to listen to things I enjoy. Music, audiobooks, sermons, etc. Whatever I felt like listening to that day. I found myself looking forward to longer drives because it gave me an opportunity to relax and just listen to something. I do the same thing when I clean, I put my AirPods in and get busy cleaning. I either call someone I love or I listen to something I enjoy.

I have a note on my desk that says “value the process.” Friends, our lives are in process right now. Everything we do, every single day, is a part of that process. We are not meant to just get through life. We should not approach every task with a “get through it” attitude. Honestly, what happens when it’s done? You do it all over again. The successes never last as long as the process. This is your life, right now. Cleaning, working out, driving, working, parenting….all of it. It’s all a process. Can I encourage you to adjust your mind to the value of the process versus the reward of the outcome? One day at a time friends, learn to value the process. Much love and valuable processes sweet friends.