As the summer comes to an end, I become naturally reflective. One of the things I love most about working in higher education is the start of the fall season. There’s something about the beginning of the fall semester that feels like a fresh start. Much more than the calendar rolling to January every year, August becomes my reset time. I reflect on the previous year and set intention for the upcoming one. All records reset to zero and we begin again.
Life has a funny way of cleaning the slate. Often, we find ourselves in difficult seasons and we feel we are being punished. We wonder when this time will pass and when things will be easy for us again. Sweet friends, we were never promised easy. In fact, we were promised trials, but we were also promised victory over them. Our focus each day dictates our direction. Today, I choose to focus on the victory.
Whatever moment you find yourself in, remember that you have been called to it. This exact moment at this exact time is where you are meant to be. Not only that, but you have everything inside of you to stand tall in this moment. Sometimes, where we are in character development is not where we are from a capability stand point. We are more than capable, but we are not yet developed enough to stand tall in the criticism that comes from promotion. This is a hard place to be in, but it has great value.
Often, we rush the process. We want more now. But remember, more of anything means more of everything. More criticism, more resistance, more negativity – if your character is not developed enough for that season, you will suffer in that promotion. We have to develop to the point that we can take criticism, without throwing it back. I am not there yet, but I am growing through this process. Sweet friends, I want to watch you win and win big. Please do not allow one moment of doubt to creep into your head. You can win and you will win and when you look down the sideline to your left, you’ll see me there cheering as loud as I can. Keep fighting my friends, you’ve got this. Much love and big wins.