Our Weaknesses Have Purpose

Our strengths come in many different forms. Most of us would admit that we wish we were gifted in ways that we aren’t. I admire people who are laid back, who seem to flow throughout their day and graciously accept whatever comes their way. I am not one of those people. I am much more structured, high strung and easily thrown off my axis. I’m getting better, but I have definitely not arrived. And perhaps that’s the point. Maybe we aren’t supposed to arrive.

I have spent the majority of my life working towards something. Achieving one goal, and moving on to another one. Rarely pausing to relish the feeling of accomplishment but instead immediately shifting my gaze to what comes next. I’m also very self aware. I am more aware of my shortcomings and more frustrated by them than I probably should be.

Recently, I was talking to my mom about this frustration with myself for where I fall short and she was sharing hers with me as well. In the middle of the conversation I realized that maybe we are intended to fall short. If we were all gifted in the same manner we wouldn’t need each other. Our weaknesses allow us to be vulnerable to the assistance and strength of others.

Today, offer yourself grace for where you think you fall short. Remember you are uniquely designed. Don’t compare yourself to other people, you were created this way on purpose. Don’t envy the strength of others and don’t resent your perceived weakness. This world needs all of us, as we are, depending on one another to move the dial. You are not falling short, you are exactly where you are supposed to be, doing exactly what you should be doing. I admire those of you who are gifted differently than I am, and I am rooting for your success. Much love and grace for ourselves sweet friends.