What 36 Has Taught Me

This year, more than many other years, has brought me a wealth of growth opportunities and wisdom. I have learned more in the past 365 days than I have in the last several years. In year 36, I became a fiancee, then an athletic director, and then a wife. It has been a year of transition. Jarrett and I both changed zip codes, jobs and homes. We’ve learned to rely only on one another as we moved away from friends and family to start this new chapter of our lives. I could not possibly share all this year has taught me and keep it brief, so I will share a few favorites.

The first lesson I learned this year is that life doesn’t always bring you what you want, when you want it, in the package you expect it. But life does always deliver. When Jarrett re-entered my life at the end of year 35 I thought I was reconnecting with a friend from high school, I had no idea I was being presented with my future. In 11 months time we were married. He is my person. There are few people that really know and understand me and he gets me to my very core. He knows how to love me, support me and be my friend. He tells me how proud he is of me all the time and I carry that into each day. He is one of the kindest, most thoughtful, tender hearted people I have ever known. He is, without question, my greatest blessing.

The second lesson I learned this year is that letting go will crush you but it will also grow you in ways you never imagined. Letting go of my job at WT, the things we built, the accomplishments we had, and most importantly the amazing people I worked with…nothing prepared me for that pain. It is not easy to leave a place that you poured so many years of your life into. The people at WT that I was blessed to work with everyday are forever friends. Leaving should never be easy, if you did it right.

The third lesson I learned was the importance of showing up and celebrating people. Jarrett and I were completely humbled by the outpouring of love we received this past year for showers, bachelor/bachelorette parties, and our wedding celebration. There are few things in life that humble me more than people making an effort to love on us. In my own unhappiness, I selfishly missed a lot of opportunities to show up for my friends and I deeply regret that. So many of our friends came from all over to shower us with celebration. Show up for your people, every chance you get. Celebrate the birthdays, the babies, the weddings, the graduations and the random Tuesdays. Fill your life with celebration and go all in when it’s your turn to celebrate others.

The fourth lesson I learned is that your real friends stick with you, no matter the distance. While leaving Canyon and WT crushed me, I have learned that some people are with you for life. Distance only changes the dynamic, it doesn’t take away the friendship. So, as I round out year 36, I want to say thank you. Thank you to all of you who celebrated my getting this position, thank you to all who showed up and showered Jarrett and I in our year of celebration and thank you to those who have stuck with us over all these years and continue to shower us with love and support. I am truly humbled, honored and proud to call you friends. Much love and celebration sweet friends.