What If…

I woke up this morning very anxious. What a strange new world I have woken up in the past few days. In 5 days time, my daily life has changed drastically, as have many of yours. As I sat, drinking my coffee, my mind began to race to all the unknowns and the what ifs that the next few days, weeks and months could bring. I chased that rabbit trail for awhile, allowing the anxiety to escalate and take me down.

And then I remembered that today is a gift, just like yesterday, and the day before that. This day is no less or more valuable than any of my other days. It’s what I chose to do with it that truly matters. So what if, instead of panicking, we relax and enjoy a little down time. What if we remind ourselves that the simple things in life are the most valuable things. What if we focus on what we have instead of what we don’t have. Need I remind you that most of us were desperate for downtime before it was handed to us.

Embrace the slower pace, the simpler pleasures, the time with family. Sit longer with your morning coffee, linger longer at the breakfast table, read the stack of books beside your chair, take the longer walk outside, clean out that closet that has been driving you crazy. Stop the glorification of busy. We are not here simply to produce.

Perhaps, we were called for such a time as this. Perhaps we are here to show people that we do not have to react fearfully, but respond with grace. We have a choice, and the world desperately needs those who choose kindness and peace.

What I know, with all that is in me, is that today will pass and we will start over tomorrow. I don’t want to look back on this time and think of it as wasted. At a time when it feels like each day is a new world, take it one step at a time. What if today, we choose kindness and gratitude rather than panic and fear? What if we choose to embrace the slower pace and remember a time when we didn’t need busyness to define us? What if we choose to enjoy this time instead of resent it? What if we stay present in today, moment by moment?

The time will pass either way. What if you let it pass with gratitude?

2 thoughts on “What If…

  1. Great read my friend I just read this in our corporate meeting as a reminder why we are the chosen leadership.

    1. Thank you so much sweet friend. You are the chosen leadership and we were all called for such a time as this. There is good on the other side of all this crazy, but there is also good in the midst.

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