What is Holding You Hostage?

What is holding you hostage? I was reading Bob Goffs book Dream Big this morning and he brought up the concept of hostage negotiations. Such a thought provoking concept.

Too often, we allow our mindset to limit us. We are held hostage by our own minds and beliefs. We have these beliefs about ourselves and our lives based on past experience. We learn things about ourselves from teachers, coaches, parents and other family members. The problem is, these things we learn aren’t always accurate. Sometimes, they need to be challenged.

Have you ever overreacted to a statement and wondered where in the world that attitude came from? Often, if we will take the time to explore the reaction we will see that it came from a long held belief about ourselves. Maryam Hasnaa says, “Make sure you’re responding to the present moment and not reacting to something from your past that the current situation reminds you of.” Situations and statements have a very strong ability to bring up past hurts and misleading beliefs.

May I challenge you to take some time today and really think about what is holding you back? What is missing from your life that you really want? What can you do about getting it? What is a dream or an ambition that you have in life that you have let die? Resurrect it. I will tell you that removing these beliefs is difficult, painful work. But not nearly as painful, or long lasting, as regret. Don’t let these beliefs hold you back. Challenge them. Be careful how you speak to yourself, and others, you are either growing or shrinking with every thought.