What is Right vs. What is True

I read something a few days ago that has been rolling around in my mind ever since. This statement comes from the book The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, “You can measure the impeccability of your word by your level of self-love. How much you love yourself and how you feel about yourself are directly proportionate to the quality and integrity of your word.”

That’s a heavy statement, it has taken me a few days to really grasp why those words have followed me. Because they are true. When you do not love yourself, your confidence and overall demeanor are different. Many of us have an I don’t care attitude at times in our lives. This attitude carries over to our word. I was in a situation recently that really challenged me to be true to myself and not just say the right thing. Friends, we know what to say to get the job, to get the girl/guy, to make the customer happy, to make the sale, etc. But is what we are saying true? Do you actual have the intention to do all the things you say you will do? Do you know yourself well enough to know your truth? Or are you reciting only what you have been taught to repeat?

In the situation I referenced above, there was a lot on the line for me. And honestly, I knew what to say to get the outcome I desired. But I went in with the promise to be myself. To not say the right thing, but to say the true thing. I wanted to be 100% true to myself and if they liked me, great, and if they didn’t, that was okay too.

Friends, we need to do more of what feels right to us, and less of what feels rehearsed. Sometimes, we need to take a step back and evaluate our words. “I would love to get together.” That’s an innocent enough statement to make to someone you run into that you haven’t seen in awhile. But how often do you actually intend to get together with that person? Let your words reflect your true intentions and not the things you’ve been taught to say in response. Much love and genuine responses sweet friends.