When Choosing

Decisions, they are never easy for me. I envy people who make bold decisions and stick with them. The assurance that they are making the right decision, no regrets, always unnerves me. If you are one of those people, I applaud you and truly wish I were more like you. In fact, I’m engaged to marry one of you. But, I am not like you.

I do not take any decision lightly. I rarely make rash decisions. When I’m in the decisions making process there are lists, long discussions, and many, many lane changes along the way. Even once I arrive at a decision, I can see how the other choice might also still be a good one. While I do not like this about myself, and wish desperately that it were different, it is not. This is who I am. I keep thinking I’m going to grow into an easy decision maker, but that’s just not how I’m wired. And you know what, that is okay.

The world needs all of us. Those who make quick, easy decisions and those who weigh their options carefully. I used to think that I was indecisive, but that’s not accurate. I am thoughtful. I take calculated risks. My decision making process is not a fear response, it’s a strategic, calculated approach. I want to make the right decisions in life, always. I am always trying to do what I think is best in the long term. The hard part about that is, long term decisions are usually very painful in the short term.

The path, friends, is rarely crystal clear. Most often, there are several right choices and we just need to make the one we feel is best for us. Few times in my life has a decision just been flat out wrong. When it is, I adjust and try to make the most of it. What I know from my own life is, if you make decisions with the right heart and right intentions, good will come from all of them. It may not be pretty, it dang sure won’t be easy, but you will arrive where you are supposed to be at exactly the right time.

Make your decisions however you see fit and then commit to the choice you made. You know what you’re doing, and if you mess up, course correct and move forward. Do not be paralyzed by indecision or driven by fear. Please, do not let fear or comfort drive your decisions. Make bold, thoughtful choices and watch things move on your behalf. Much love and thoughtful decisions sweet friends.