When Life Breaks Your Heart

Life can be so hard sometimes. Over and over again, we get our hearts broken in this life. No one ever told us it would be easy, but I’ve often heard people say its worth there. Honestly, there are times I’ve wondered if this is true.

I have experienced my fair share of heart break. I’ve had people I loved, whom I thought would journey through life with me, walk away from me without even glancing back over there shoulder. I’ve had opportunities denied to me because of my age, gender, lack of experience or lack of education. I’ve had people I considered friends absolute devastate my heart.

The thing that each of these situations have in common, is me and my reaction. Here’s what I’ve learned friends. Life is hard. Love is hard. People are hard. But they are also wonderful, and worth it and life giving. This life that we live is meant to be shared by others. We have to open our hearts up to the possibility that being in relationship with others brings us. It doesn’t always work out, but sometimes it does.

Change is scary. Love is scary. The potential of heartbreak is scary. But also, nothing is permanent and you have a 100% survival rate of getting through tough times. May I encourage you to take the chance? To stick your neck out there again? On the off chance that it might work out.

Heartbreak is a part of life. But so is love, joy, peace and prosperity. Don’t magnify the pain so much that you lose site of the good. Some people aren’t meant to make it to the end of the journey with us. Some are only meant to play a part. Honor their role in your life and let them go with grace. Every loss we experience is a new opportunity for something greater than we could ever imagine.

Friends, I want all of you to live a full life. I want you to be so full of joy that it radiates off of you. That is my wish for you. I will fight my whole life to help you find joy. And I will sit with you when your heart is broken. Just please don’t stop when it is. Often, the best part of your life, is just around the corner from heartbreak. Much love dear friends.