When the Choice Wasn’t Yours

I woke up this morning, in a different bed, in a different room, in a different city than I planned to a month ago. I chose this change, and while it has been hard, it’s also been refreshing and challenging and life giving. It’s been easier because it was my choice. Today, as I sat here thinking about that, I remembered a time when change came not out of my choice, but out of someone else’s choice.

Friends, sometimes we wake up in different homes because the person we love decided they didn’t want us anymore. In those moments we have to rebuild a life, not by our own choice, but by someone else’s hand. Sometimes we sit in different offices because the jobs we love and sacrifice for decided they didn’t need us anymore. Sometimes we make new friends, because old friends decided they didn’t need us anymore. These changes are truly painful, it somehow seems to hurt more when we didn’t do the choosing.

Life doesn’t always feel beautiful and it certainly isn’t always easy. But I need you to know something. Some of those choices that were made for me, placed me on a path that completely changed my life. I believe sometimes the choices are made for us because we won’t choose better for ourselves. Sometimes we have to be forced into change because our comfort keeps us in places that common sense would take us out of if we could see.

If you woke up this morning, in the midst of a situation you didn’t choose, can I encourage you to choose now? Choose something good for you now. I know this is painful, and it feels life ending, but it will get better. You may not have been able to control the choice, but you can control the outcome. Let this pain make you better. Allow this pain to teach you, grow you and set you up for the next stage. You are better than what you had before, believe that. If it was meant for you, you’d still be there. The fact that you aren’t means you are being set up for the best win of your life. What is ahead is far beyond anything you can comprehend. Believe that. Much love and grace through transitions sweet friends.