When the Way Isn’t Clear

The path has never been super clear for me. It’s always been fuzzy at best and really muddy at worst. Sometimes the journey across it was easy and light, at other times it felt like wandering aimlessly through the desert. I am a planner by nature. I had this whole thing figured out long before it was time to figure it out. I remember when I left high school the plan was to be a college professor, married by 24 (at the latest) and have 3-4 children by the time I was 30. I have been a part time college professor for about 12 years….outside of that, it did not go to plan.

Our plans are narrow friends, even the most detailed, thoughtful plans paint us into a corner. They limit our mindsets. The job that I had before this one, I didn’t even know it existed. Working in college athletics was never the plan. I needed a job, felt I had a certain skill set, asked for a job and got one. But hear me when I say it was never the plan, my plans for my life limited my vision. I couldn’t see this for myself, so I never planned for this. Sometimes the best parts of our lives are unplanned. Don’t allow your plans to limit your vision.

Friends, as much as I love myself a good plan, I love myself a free flowing, grace filled life. My life has followed it’s intended path despite all my plans against it. I am so thankful for this crazy journey that has lead me to this moment in my life. My vision would’ve kept me out of this place because I would not have dreamed this for myself. Honestly, this is not something that I could even see for myself. My former boss encouraged me to apply for this job, without his push I would not have even tried.

Sometimes, what we need more than anything, is to get out of our own way. To lay down our plans, free our hands and minds of the things we have held onto, and just let our lives flow. Your path will lead you exactly where you are meant to be if you will allow it to do so. What is intended for you, will not get past you, if you will be open to endless possibilities. Don’t become so narrow in your focus that you blindly chase people, jobs and things. All will come to you in the right season. Opportunity often feels like chaos, and is often preceded by the biggest heartbreak of your life. If that is where you are, know that you are on your way sweet friends. One step, one day, one minute at a time. Muddy paths still get you there and they better prepare you for what the destination requires. Much love and muddy paths sweet friends.