When We Become Disengaged

Friends, I’m as routine loving of a person as you will ever know. I do not crave high stimulation, change, big moves, etc. I crave stability, predictability, and peace. For so many years of my life I did whatever it took to maintain the life that I was living. So afraid to stretch my wings a bit. I was so afraid of making the wrong decisions that I just stayed where I was. It was working, I didn’t see the problem.

But there was a problem, and it was me. I had lost my passion for life. I was going through the motions with my family, my friends, my job and the people I interacted with. I was not getting energy from the things around me. I was exhausted, disengaged and dim. I was withdrawn from my family, friends and coworkers. I needed to find that spark in my life that would reignite my passion.

We have a tendency to overcomplicate things when it comes to fulfilling our dreams, living out our passions, etc. We have a tendency to think that all of this has to occur at our jobs. There are a million ways to find passion in your life and to become more engaged with it. I love writing but never had any idea how to use that in my job, so I just let that passion die for years and years. Now, I share my thoughts with you on a daily basis and it fuels that passion. I have never written so much as a paragraph in my job that wasn’t edited within an inch of it’s life. Just because my writing style doesn’t fit my job, doesn’t mean it isn’t valuable elsewhere.

We have to surround ourselves with people who will not only notice when our lights start to dim, but that will love us enough to gently ask us what is going on with us. Friends, when you recognize this shift within yourself, please do not stay there. Evaluate what is going on around you. What is causing this feeling within you and what can you do about it? Do you need to make a change but fear is holding you back? Do you need to have a hard conversation with someone? Do you need to find something else to do with your life? Do you need to find a creative outlet for the part of you that your job doesn’t fulfill? Whatever it is, I beg you, sort it out. We need people on this earth that are fully alive and engaged in their big, beautiful life. This is the only one we get and it passes so quickly. Spend it doing something that sets your soul on fire. Much love sweet friends.