Who You Think You’re Not

“It’s not who you are that holds you back, its who you think you’re not.” Are you aware of how much your own mindset limits you? How much what you think about yourself can hold you back? Every thought you have is either feeding you or starving you? Ever thought about that?

I recently had a conversation with a very important person in my life and he said, “I think you underestimate your influence.” Influence? What influence? I thought he was crazy. Then something happened that proved his point. The fact is friends, most of us grossly underestimate ourselves. We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are. We limit ourselves by our own beliefs and the reality is, we are capable of so much more than we think.

Most of us are kinder than we think we are. Most of us are more loving than we think we are. We have such a tendency to define ourselves by the mistakes that we have made. We hold onto them so much tighter than we hold on to our hopes and dreams. Can I be the one to tell you that few people see you and think only about what you’ve done wrong? You are so much more than any mistake that you have ever made. Apologize where you need to and then let them go friends, they are heavy.

Speak life into the people around you. Including yourself. Be careful with the thoughts you think and the words you speak. Most of us are very aware of our own shortcomings. When we make a mistake, we know it. We don’t really need you to remind us of it. We need you to love us through it. Speak to the area in your life that you want to see growth and you will be amazed at what happens. Same thing with your loved ones. Speak well of them and to them. Encourage them. And then stand back and watch what happens. Our words and our thoughts are very powerful. They are either growing us or limiting us. Make sure you’re speaking growth.