
I have been thinking a lot about what it means to have people in your corner. I have never felt such love in my life from those around me than I do right now. I am in a very full season of life right now, my life feels as though it is bursting at the seams in the best possible way. I had no idea how unhappy I had been previously, until I experienced the happiness I feel now. 

I think we have such a tendency to focus so much energy on the negatives in life. We can have 100 people tell us we look beautiful and one person throws us criticism and we focus on the 1. Friends, can I tell you, you have more people for you than against you. Positive people tend to be quieter than negative people but they are still there. I will always root for people to win. I’m trying to do a better job of doing that out loud, but I am always rooting for all of you. I love to see people win. 

I think the experience of wins is one of the reasons I’m so drawn to college athletics. There is no greater feeling in the world than winning on a buzzer beater, in front of a crowd of people fully invested in the outcome. That split second of emotion…there’s nothing quite like it. Watching a student athlete walk across the stage at graduation feels the same way. 

Saturday, I experienced one of the greatest wins of my life, and y’all came out of the woodwork to support me. To root for me, to cheer for me, and to wish Jarrett and I well. Let’s do more rooting for one another, and less pointing out flaws and missteps. Let’s root for each other to win and not gossip about each other’s losses. Life is hard enough, without us adding judgment to the mix. To those of you who have shown up in mine and Jarrett’s life recently, thank you. It seems like such a shallow offering based on all the love we have felt. I want you all to know we feel your love and support so strongly and it means the world to us. Much love and loud, positive voices sweet friends.