With Gratitude & Ambition

I have been completely overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support that I have received over the past few days. Truly, and completely overwhelmed. The amount of gratitude that I have for the people in my life right now cannot even be described, I have never felt so loved and supported in my life. Y’all are coming out from all over the place and I love it so much. The calls, texts, emails, comments, likes all of it…I am so thankful for it all. This has been a very emotional time and I feel your love from all over, thank you!

Ambition is a funny thing. At times it’s healthy, pushing us along, and at other times it’s unhealthy, blinding us to what matters most in life. If I’m being honest, there are times in my life that I wish I could turn it off, or abandon it all together. Yesterday, I completed a job that I never intended to leave. I loved it, with all of my heart, and the people associated with it. But ambition wasn’t quite done with me yet.

That’s the thing about ambition, sometimes it can fall asleep for awhile, but it’s still there. That ever present, sometimes very loud, nagging feeling inside you that knows there’s more to life than what you’ve experienced. Mine has been on mute for a long time. Having the opportunity to build a football stadium was the most amazing career achievement I could’ve dreamed of. Being on that team of people who designed, fundraised, dreamed, branded, etc…what an incredible experience it was to literally watch that thing come out of the ground. It is such a beautiful structure and a source of pride for me. I thought this would be my crowning career achievement, and here we are, a couple years later, taking a different path.

Friends, can I encourage you to throw out the road map? All the preconceived notions of what you think your life is supposed to be? Toss those out the window and just live your life. Let it flow. You don’t have to know what you want to do with your life, I didn’t even know the job I just completed existed. My former boss and I created it together over the years. Don’t pursue advancement and titles, pursue peace. Direction isn’t always crystal clear, in fact, it’s mostly blurry with a few brightly lit spots. Pray if that’s your thing, listen to your heart, trust your instincts and live. If you mess up, say ouch & oops and move on. If you fail, give yourself a round of applause because it means you’re trying. The only people who never fail are the ones that aren’t trying. Most things in life can be fixed. I believe if you live with genuine intent in your heart, and treat people with love and respect, you can’t go wrong. Life is waiting for you to say yes. Much love and free flowing paths sweet friends.