Worth the Wait

This is my favorite photo from our wedding. Our sweet photographer shared it with me yesterday and I cannot stop looking at it. I love the simplicity of it. It is the purest representation of a blessing manifest. I prayed for so long for a man that would love me the way Jarrett does. For a man that would love me in a way that overwhelmed him. For a man that would be blown away when he saw me walking down the aisle. What I got, was even more than all of that.

Jarrett wasn’t blown away, he was completely overcome. He started crying the moment my entrance music started in anticipation of seeing me. When he laid eyes on me, he was completely overcome with emotion. It was one of the sweetest moments of my entire life.

We have such a tendency to want to rush the timing of our lives. To choose the thing that is in front of us whenever we decide we are ready. We are not very good at waiting. We rush job changes, moves, marriages, babies, buying homes…I could go on and on. We allow our impatience to lower our standards. And then we wonder why we are unhappy. The thing you are waiting for is worth every minute of waiting. Trust me.

Sweet friends, that thing that you want so badly will come. It’s already on its way. And there is nothing you can do to stop it. Your impatience may delay it, but you are not powerful enough to stop it. Trust the timing of your lives and allow things to unfold naturally. Don’t force things into places they aren’t meant for, it will only cause you more pain. Trust me, I did this for so many years of my life. Today, on mine and Jarrett’s one year dating anniversary I’m happy to say the waiting was totally worth it, and only made us better. Much love and sweet, timely blessings my friend.