You May Have to Stand Alone Sometimes

Solitude is not a punishment. Standing alone is not the worst thing you could ever do. So often, we think single or alone means we are somehow without. Singleness is not a disease that needs to be cured. It’s a stage of life that some of us spend a great deal of time in. You are not late. You are not behind. You are exactly where you need to be.

Remember the next time you are standing alone that you are not standing alone because you are not worthy. You are standing alone because you are. When you set high standards for yourself and your life, it may take you a little longer than others to get there. Not all of us meet our soulmates when we are 18 years old. I have spent much of my adult life single. I am 36 years old and I have never been married.

I have attended many things alone. There was a period of time in my life when I felt bad about myself because of this. I know now that it was simply part of my journey. I am no better, and no worse off than anyone else. My journey is just different.

Embrace your differences friends. Embrace the things about your life that don’t match those of the people around you. Often, this is where our magic is. The things that make you feel other are the things that you are uniquely gifted with. So much of the time we care more about being the same than we do about being ourselves.

Whatever stage of life you find yourself in, may I encourage you to embrace it? Each stage of our life passes so quickly and we never fully get it back. Every stage of our life brings something to be embraced and cherished. There is something about this stage that you are in that you will miss one day. You will miss this, make the most of the time you have. It will pass one way or another, let it pass with gratitude and not resentment. Resenting time doesn’t change the outcome, it just adds misery to the process.