You Never Regret Going

I’ve been challenged a lot in this season of life. I have become so aware of how much it means to people when you show up for them. I have to admit I have not done a great job of showing up for others in the past. Those that have truly made an effort to show up for us during this time of life have truly humbled and challenged me in the best possible way.

Jarrett attended the funeral of a young man he coached yesterday. I cannot tell you how blown away I was when he never even questioned going and not once did he complain about the inconvenience of the long trip. He wanted to honor the young man’s life and that’s exactly what he did. As soon as he heard about it, he was going, no matter what. It was a 14 hour round trip drive and it was worth every mile. When he got home last night he said, “you never regret going.” I am so proud of the man he is and the character he shows. He loves people well.

I have such a tendency to love people in my heart and mind only. I need to show up more, call more, send the cards, make the trip, etc. I am so humbled and honored to have people in my life that love me through my silences and withdrawn times. I carry people with me, in my mind and heart, all the time, but I need to do better about telling them and showing up for them.

People are worth the effort. I need to do a better job of showing up for the celebrations that life invites me to. It is such an honor to have people in our lives to celebrate. Accept the birthday party invitation for the 5 year olds, attend the family functions, say yes to the dinner invitations, show up for the baby showers and the graduations. Celebrate people and celebrate life. I am so thankful we can gather again, and I’m challenging myself to show up more. Much love and effort in relationships sweet friends.