You Will Have What’s For You

We all have dreams and visions for our lives. We have a plan, a direction, a goal, an end game. We spend weeks, months and years pursuing these places. Last year, during the move to Alpine, I ran across a piece of paper from high school. We laid out a timeline of where we saw ourselves in 10 years. Yall, mine was hilarious. And I cannot tell you how thankful I am that the vision I had for my life did not turn out as I had planned. The realized vision was greater than my vision.

You see friends, often we are so married to these perceived outcomes that we are disgruntled, discouraged and beat down when things don’t go our way. Do you realize that these limited visions for our lives keep us in a box? Often, we cannot dream large enough for ourselves because our human mind places limits on us. We feel punished when something goes wrong in our lives, often thinking what did I do to deserve this. You didn’t do anything to deserve this, you are simply being redirected.

Be open to the turns, the detours, the perceived failures. They are leading you to the place that is intended for you. You see friends, you will have what’s for you, but it may not be the destination you imagined. I wanted to be married in my early 20’s and done having kids by 30. I got married at 36 and, at 37, haven’t even started the journey into motherhood. I wanted to be a psychology professor, I had ZERO intention of ever working in college athletics, much less becoming an Athletic Director, yet here I am. This is not a vision I had for my life, but my life is exactly as it should be.

Don’t allow your vision to limit you sweet friends. Dream big and have great vision for your life, but remain flexible in the pursuit. Allow the detours to guide you, rather than discourage you. Life is a grand adventure if we choose to engage in it. There are no winners, no one is doing it better than you, and no one is getting it right. We are all stumbling our way through with as much grace and guidance as we can muster. Journey on sweet friends, you are right on track.