You’re Not Ever Going to Arrive

There’s not a magic destination for happiness. If you are looking for happiness as a place you arrive at, you will never get there. The journey is the destination friends. The happiness you are seeking is available to you right now. Today.

How many people do you know that wanted a certain job because they thought it would make them happy? They spent years in education, jobs, etc striving for that goal. Then they get it, and for most people, its not what they expected it to be. The arrival at the destination was a let down. Happiness was not just sitting there waiting for them.

What about marriage? So many of us believe that when we get married we will be happy. Like we will just magically arrive at the destination of happiness. Friends, marriage is hard. So hard. I know that I haven’t personally been married but I have helped so many precious friends that are. You don’t walk out of your wedding day and into eternal happiness. That’s not how it works.

Both the beauty and the heartbreak of happiness is that it is everywhere all the time. But we have to see it. We have to reach for it, lay hold of it. “I will be happy when” is a myth. It is a myth that will literally rob you of every ounce of happiness you have access to right now if you don’t adjust your mindset.

This beautiful, madding life that is unfolding before you right now is where your happiness lies. Learn to live in the moment and truly take it in. One day you will wake up and realize how much of your life was wasted waiting for your arrival at happiness when really it was there all along.